"Members of the fourth cohort of the Yale School of Engineering & Applied Science's Summer Design Fellowship made their final presentations last week. The 12 students in residence at the Center for Engineering Innovation & Design comprised five teams, each working on a specific project for eight weeks. The Summer Design Fellowship is unique in that student teams are provided the resources to create hardware and software solutions for a specific problem, as opposed to working on previously established research projects. It is the only fellowship specifically designed to assist "makers" at Yale"

Read about all of our summer fellows here:

Acantha (Brandon Hudik)

Acantha, Brandon Hudik pictured above

Team Motor, Philip Piper, Betsy Li, Dante Archangeli (from left to right) 

The members of EZ Ice at an earlier event, Joseph Bedford and Craig Wojtala (from left to right)

Conduit, Tilman Bartelsmyer, Patrick Aiden Brooks, Hannah Knight ( from left to right) 

VIP Transplant (Lilium Wu, Zobia Chunara, Jefferson Zhou)

V.I.P Lilium Wu, Jefferson Zou, Zobia Chunara (from left to right)